The moment your heart is moved, the journey begins.

Over 200 travel magazines for $10 per month. A 24/365 AI travel planner just for you.

Why Quantum Guide?

Advanced Context Understanding

Utilizes advanced natural language processing technology to accurately understand the user's vague desires and situations, and make optimal suggestions. Even for vague requests like "I want to enjoy reading in a quiet place," it will suggest appropriate spots by considering the user's past behavior history and preferences.

Real-Time Information Provision

Collects and analyzes the latest information from vast data sources on the internet and provides it. Changes in business hours, event information, congestion, and other constantly changing information are reflected in real-time, allowing for flexible responses to sudden changes in travel plans.

Multi-Language Support

Supports 50 languages and provides travel information in the user's native language. This promotes a deeper understanding and experience of Japanese culture beyond language barriers.

Advanced Personalization

Analyzes the user's interests, past travel history, and other details to understand their individual "travel style." This allows for unique spots and experiences that are not found on major travel sites. It also considers factors such as companions, budget, season, and other elements to make the most appropriate suggestions.

Robust Security

Prioritizes user privacy and data security. Implements the latest encryption technology and AI security measures, and thoroughly anonymizes user data. In the future, it will also conduct security audits by third parties to maintain the highest level of security.



Monthly fixed fee plan for unlimited use

1,500 JPY/month

  • Advanced Context Understanding
  • Real-Time Information Provision
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Advanced Personalization
  • Robust Security

Quantum Guide leverages AI to provide personalized travel experiences for each user. Our goal is not just to provide efficient travel plans, but to provide opportunities for travelers to discover new experiences and inspire them. At the same time, we hope that this service will contribute to the revitalization of the Japanese tourism industry and provide an opportunity to rediscover and rediscover the charm of the region.

Chase | Chisato Hasegawa
CEO of Shirokane Suri, LLC.